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Kitty董事長受邀擔任IT&CM China 2020 virtual event演講嘉賓

Kitty董事長受邀擔任IT&CM China 2020 virtual event演講嘉賓


上海國際會獎旅遊博覽會(IT&CM China 2020 virtual event) 於本(109)年8月3日至5日線上開展,展中辦理論壇,滿力公司黃潔儀Kitty董事長受邀擔任演講嘉賓。
Kitty董事長於論壇中,就「會獎和商務旅遊的未來_數位化優先」主題進行演講,並回應論壇主持人提出的相關問題,包含分享長期使用科技,推廣會議無紙化經驗;導入虛擬會議,分析辦理活動轉型,實體與缐上混合舉辦方式(Hybrid Event)發展,以及如何利用數位工具有效溝通並維護客戶關係。
國際會獎旅遊博覽會由總部位於新加坡的TTG Asia媒體集團旗下TTG亞洲傳媒會展部、中旅國際會議展覽公司與國際展會策劃集團(MPI) 共同主辦。展會提供國際及中國買家與供應商,加強合作機會發掘新商機,為中國重要獎勵旅遊展之一。

The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the global travel industry, including MICE and Corporate travel. Without a vaccine, present indicators suggest that the World would have to co-exist with the virus over a relatively long period of time. This will have significant implications on how people travel and gather for meetings. During the pandemic, usage of digital tools, especially those that facilitate virtual communications, have increased tremendously. Some of the changes in client behavior and their views on business travel might be permanent. How should the industry plan for the post pandemic MICE market?  Should we wait for things to "recover" or should we start to think of "rebuilding" the industry in a new environment? What are some of the solutions that are available and how are they evolving? While the industry seems to be ready to embrace a hybrid model for exhibitions and events, what would a hybrid model look like? To discuss these and a series of other pertinent questions, join our panel in this much anticipated conversation on perspectives of the changing marketplace and recommendations for a digital-first post pandemic strategy.


Moderator 主持人:

George Cao, Co- founder & CEO, Dragon Trail Interactive



Panellists 演講嘉賓:

Zoe Lo, Regional Director, Mainland, Hong Kong Tourism Board



Kitty Wong, Chairwoman, K&A International Co., Ltd. and Expo Union Corporation



Sharon Liu, Business Development Director of Tencent Cloud Media, Tourism and Telecom Industry Center




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